Ally Night at Cary High

Written by: Sebastian Hernandez

On April 26th in the media center, from 6pm-7pm the Gay Student Association of Cary High will be unveiling an event to help educate people about topics regarding the LGBTQ+ community. The hosts of this event will be students and staff at our own school, who are members of or identify alongside the queer community. The purpose of Ally Night is to reach out to parents and students in order to talk about certain topics regarding the community; especially under-explained topics, which have been the spark of many misconceptions surrounding queer individuals. Students presenting at this event will be discussing subjects such as: 

  • Individual’s experiences in coming out 
  • The importance of a support system
  • Why it’s difficult for people to come out 
  • Lack of exposure
  • Homophobia and how to report it

As more people begin to go in depth about these issues, the fewer myths and misconceptions there will be that affect the daily lives of many queer-identifying individuals. So any and all allies in the town of Cary are encouraged to attend the meeting; the more that the public learns and understands the journeys of LGBTQ+ individuals, the better their lives will be in our community.

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